Did you know CA Passport System works with our CS2?

We Attended NACCU 2021 Sinfonia was featured in this year’s virtual NACCU annual conference on April 19th at the Kanematsu booth. Did you get a chance to visit our booth and ask us questions? If not, contact us today for more info on our products, like the CS2 which is used by Canadian Passport’s system.

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Kanematsu USA Inc. Announces Ed Cochran as Senior Vice President

Somerset, New Jersey, March 8, 2021 — Kanematsu USA Inc., the U.S. subsidiary of Kanematsu Corporation and part of the Kanematsu Group, is pleased to announce that Ed Cochran has joined the Company as Senior Vice President. Mr. Cochran will head a new business unit of Kanematsu’s Electronic Devices division that will focus primarily on

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Reminder: Get a $399 Printer With Our Special Offer!

We’re offering Sinfonia photo printers for just $399 – and that includes free shipping and a 3-year warranty! Choose from the CS2, S3, or photo card & hashtag printer. Get your printer while supplies last! Offer good till the end of February 2021. Only valid in the continental US. Sinfonia Printer Comparison Quick Guide: Which

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